identification: fodder rake and tedder
type: OSP-1
width of the machine: 7 settings, 1.5 to 2.71 m
transporting width: 1.82 m
take-off shaft revolutions: 540 rev/min
drum revolutions: 95,5 to 157 rev/min
weight: 435 kg
maximum capacity: 2 rows of 1.5m
years of production: 1968-1972

The OSP-1 rake and tedder was a tractor-drawn machine designed to turn thin-stemmed swatch and to rake wilted and dry fodder into continuous and aerated rows. The design of the machine allowed to evade  stones and foreign objects. The rake and tedder was attached to the take-off shaft of the Z3011 or Z4011 tractor. It was made by a state company Agrostroj Rožmitál. A modified and modernized type OSP-2 was introduced in 1972.

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